In This Breakthrough Programme you will understand how your addiction is trapping you and what you need to do to free Yourself.
Introducing - Moving Beyond Addictions
Are you stuck and lost in addictive behaviour you hate but you just cannot free yourself, however hard you try?
The Moving Beyond Addiction programme of seven audios by Human Givens counsellor Andrew Richardson recreates the methods of his proven face to face therapy.
What Andrew has done is to create a programme that provides high impact breakthrough to give you the profound insights you need and to set you in a new direction. This will allow you move away from your damaging addiction habit to the Life you really desire.
Your will understand that your addiction is not an illness and neither is it a lifetime condition. It is an ingrained habit fed and strengthened by the pathways in your brain and the life you are leading. And why it is that your willpower alone will never be enough.
You will be realising why you are not aiming to recover from your addiction. Instead you want to move forward to a life which is better and healthier.
Your addiction will slowly cease to be the overwhelming problem it is now – because the pathways in your brain will be changing and your life will be moving forward.
This programme will save you from poring through books, endless blog posts, and YouTube videos… With Moving Beyond Addictions you can trust that we have developed one of the most reliable Addiction programmes now available anywhere.
I see the profound ignorance of those lost in addiction, whether it is coke, cannabis or alcohol, gambling or internet related – and how deficient is much of the advice available.
I recognize how effective treatment must begin from the life being led now and how people find themselves stuck and helpless.
I know that addictions can destroy self confidence and create a self feeding cycle of disgust, humiliation and helplessness.
I know I have something special – ten years of experience in helping my clients leave their addictions behind and beginning to live lives that are really working for them.
I have said to myself - How wonderful it would be if I could create an online audio programme that would really help to set free those traspped in all types of addictions.
And I have done exactly that. This is it - road tested and now ready.
Andrew Richardson
The programme comprises seven audios to be listened to as directed. They can be downloaded to your desktop or streamed directly from your Smartphone.
The audios speak to your unconscious – shifting the brain patterns, connections and pathways that are directly leading to the habits and behaviours that are so destructive and to develop a greater richness and balance to your life.
Contact me by email for personalised help
For some, the audios will be enough on their own.
But some will benefit from guidance and advice so they can make the best use of the audios tools available. It could be that other breakthrough programmes will play a part in your recovery.
Could you benefit from personalised help – to identify and clear specific problems and as the essential complement to the audio programme(s)?
Option 1 The Moving Beyond Addiction Audio Programme on its own.
Option 2 The Addiction Audio Programme with mentoring and encouragement from me (by phone or email and Skype).
Option 3 One on One Help, to complement the Addiction Audios – to identify and deal with the specific issues you may have, such as Depression or Trauma.
What might be best for you?
Contact me by email for personalised help
These Breakthrough Programmes to Emotional Health can be accessed via iphone, desktop, ipad.
The Virtuous Circle to Emotional Health
Read what others are saying about Andrew Richardson
Who Is The Architect Behind These
Audio Breakthrough Programmes?
Andrew Richardson
Addictions, Anxiety and Depression Counsellor
Andrew Richardson is a therapist with truly outstanding results in over ten years of private practice. He uses a unique therapy method called Human Givens - and in his practice has developed these ideas with proven success.
These breakthrough programmes of audios distil what Andrew has discovered works best and he knows that they will really make the difference for you. Each suite is self standing but taken together they provide a comprehensives set of programmes that will transform your emotional and mental wellbeing.
By keeping records of the progress of his clients, Andrew has demonstrated that he is an excellent therapist – literally one of the best.
Andrew is an Intuitive Counsellor and Breakthrough specialist. The founder of Feelbetter Counselling, Andrew draws his expertise from a vast amount of experience and training. For thirty years Andrew worked as a professional economist; in Africa (Swaziland) and for the UK Treasury, then in the city of London and finally as a consultant financial economist.
Andrew began his official journey into counselling and wellbeing at the beginning of the century. During this time, he studied and meditated extensively, particularly in the Buddhist tradition and studied the Enneagram Personality Typing System. This culminated in intensive Human Givens training from 2001 and he continues to utilise such skills and “tools” to help people across the world today.
Andrew's quest is to assist those who seek help in living their lives with freedom and self control; bringing more harmony. In a very short space of time, Andrew has excelled in proving himself as one of the world’s most truly remarkable inspirers whilst dealing with his own challenges of progressing MS (multiple sclerosis) for many years. A testament to Andrew's ability, wisdom, strength and true experience is that this has not stopped his mission and whilst his general practice of therapy is now based from his home, technology such as Skype and the digital product suites have enabled thousands of people to benefit from his skills.
More testimonials
Andrew Richardson’s unique product is a lifeline for people trapped in the terrifying cycle of trauma which so few understand. His comprehensive downloads for depression, anxiety and trauma respond elegantly to the digital age where so much has become immediate. And that is a word that people who are facing the abyss of despair love to embrace – immediate help, where it is needed, in the home.
Andrew’s CDs have pulled me out of a life story I never thought I would put behind me. He makes self-responsibility look like a very attractive tool as my life shifts further towards the light with every listen. Thank you Andrew – you are a star!
Jean Edinburgh April 2016
Andrew is an amazing Practitioner. Deep relaxation and hypnosis enabled me with his help to address my issues at a sub-conscious level. His patience, understanding and solution focused approach really encouraged me. Even when I could not understand what was going on, he had a way of exploring situations and being able to identify the causes of my difficulties.
Natasha April 2016
NB: this program is not for you if:
*You have had a reliable diagnosis of bipolar disorder.
*You have had a reliable diagnosis of Asperger syndrome.
If you would like assistance with any of the above two conditions, please contact me personally, and I will either be able to help you via another program or I will guide you onto someone who will be able to help.
Human Givens has been called the first new bio, psycho, social model of psychology for forty years. Based in the UK dating from the late 1990’s Human Givens is already recognised by the NHS but is nonetheless a real challenge to the conventional way of dealing with mental problems.
Human Givens combines original science with a synthesis of what works and there is academic evidence of successful outcomes where alternative therapies have been less favourable.
Ten years of successful private practice following a previous career in business
A wide and varied therapy experience – helping his depressed, anxious and addicted clients recover and then stay well. Andrew also helps with relationship problems, angers, high stress and overwhelming life problems.
Almost uniquely for a private therapist, Andrew keeps hard evidence of outcomes for all his troubled clients. He knows that close to 90% will be feeling better within four sessions.